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Custom development

Custom development of your engineering projects

At Bizintek we are aware of the shortening of the life cycle of products, and we understand the increase in users’ expectations. That’s why we build our philosophy on proactive management and commitment to the development of each product. Time-to-Market and Quality are key factors to ensure success.

We focus on meeting the needs of our clients, right from the idea, through the development and manufacturing, up to subsequent updating and monitoring. We will be there for you at every stage of the product’s development.


Creativity and initial analysis will be the starting point to define and focus the project: costs, technology, market, risks…


Technical aspects are solved and developed into a fully functional prototype.

Prototyping and Pre-Series

Our designs aim to optimise production costs. To ensure success, we manufacture a pre-series in order to achieve the required quality before starting the production.


We operate on several production lines, including SMD, THT and coating, meeting the most demanding quality and warranty standards.


Regular and systematic product updating: fast development of technology and high product-competitiveness on the market make these stages essential.

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